Idealizing and creating original and exclusive content is something highly valued by Google in its SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages), the search results pages of search engines.
It is the best content in terms of a large list of criteria that wins the top positions in search engines.
In this article, you'll check out 10 amazing tips to improve your page placement and generate great results in reaching your brand and message.
Read to the end and check how SEO writing can transform your reality in the digital universe.
What is SEO writing?
To begin with, it is necessary to understand what SEO writing is. SEO is the acronym for the English term Search Engine Optimization, which is the set of strategies for optimizing content to improve positioning in search engines. The term Writing refers to what is "written."
Thus, SEO writing encompasses the process of writing optimized for the algorithms engineering of search engines.
This technique involves using best practices so that the texts on your page are the first response when a user searches for “outsourcing impressão” on Google, for example, if this is your area of expertise.
The consequence of this is to gain greater visibility, authority and relevance to the general public.
One of the main challenges is the need to perfectly balance a technical writing and the excellence of the reader's experience, after all, he is the target of your strategy.
Even if a text is highly informative and relevant, it is essential to have good sense regarding the number of keywords, the use of pop-ups, and especially unsolicited downloads.
Furthermore, the page load time, the graphic and visual quality, the pleasantness of the design and the organization of the text make all the difference.
It is details like these that make your automation company the best answer for those looking for information related to your area of expertise.
However, the most important detail, certainly, is the quality of the textual content itself, the veracity of the information.
How to improve my content and engage on Google?
Now that you understand what writing is in SEO, check out 10 steps to develop, optimize, and assist in production aimed at engaging your audio and video automation business, to keep with the example. Check it out:
- Create indexes by site
Creating indexes organizes the key points of a text, in a simple and straightforward way. With this, you demonstrate that your content has the capacity to answer questions and research intentions, adequately meeting user demand.
Transform your content into topics, list your titles and subtitles, and list them at the beginning of the article.
Another valuable tip is to add your keywords to these titles, which function like an efficient piece of command and signaling, in an analogy.
- Use subtitles in question format
Presenting relevant points already in the title and in question format can make your content more interesting to search engines, since many users ask questions directly there.
Surely you've already typed a question into Google's search bar, and it's through this action that your page will be even more easily found.
- Create attractive titles
Enjoy the titles as best you can. They will be the reader's first contact with your content, so be strategic to add value.
In addition to the questions, you can create a numbered list, as we did in this article, use terms that grab the reader's attention, such as “easy and quick risk analysis project”, and terms that create a sense of urgency, such as “now or never”.
Therefore, try to be instructive and make good promises, which must always be fulfilled throughout the text.
- Hierarchize the text
As we pointed out at the beginning, the visual structure of a text is a very important point in SEO writing.
Use titles and subtitles as a skeleton that organizes the parts, keeping most relevant titles in ascending order so that the main title has H1 formatting, main subtitles in H2, subtopics in H3, etc.
We also advise not to hierarchize too much, and keep the division only until H4, although there is the possibility of doing it until H7.
- Choose your keywords very well
One of the most important steps in SEO writing is keyword research, and you should do this with full attention.
Making poor choices can harm your positioning in the SERPs, which can cost you thousands of visits and new leads for your access control sales.
Here's a list of tools that help you determine the best keywords for your texts:
- Ubersuggest;
- Google Suggest;
- Infinite Suggest;
- Moz Keyword Explorer;
- Infinite Suggest;
- Kparser;
- Keywords Everywhere.
Some of these tools allow you to check data and search volume metrics, display long tail keywords with a number of terms predetermined by the user, can map terms used by competitors, among other functions.
It is also possible to map keywords through the search results themselves, in search engines, in the “autocomplete” and “people also ask” section.
Another interesting feature is the virtual assistants, which, through the command of your voice, carry out searches in search engines for all the terms suggested to provide you with the best answer.
- Use keywords naturally
Use keywords strategically in your text. It's no use using densely, as the priority is the user experience.
Use them naturally and without exaggeration. Some interesting locations to use them are in titles, subtitles, tags, and meta tags, in the first paragraph and in the conclusion.
- Have a question and answer section
Many users search full queries in search engines. Having these questions ready with satisfying and organized answers will certainly bring you good results.
The more equivalent to your user's search intent, the more points you earn with search engine algorithms.
If you work with network certification, for example, create a compilation of frequently asked questions on your website.
By creating this section on your website's homepage, more people will be directed to it, further increasing the potential of SEO.
- use short paragraphs
Always strive for a clear and fluid reading, always focusing on your user experience. It is exactly the fluidity that holds the user on your page, increasing the length of stay.
One tip here is to write your sentences as if they were a tweet of 140 characters, which avoids becoming tedious, and makes it easier to maintain a concise line of thought.
Use visual resources such as numbered lists and bullet points, as well as bold to highlight terms or even phrases, when appropriate.
- Create a backlinks strategy
Using backlinks provides a signal that the information available throughout your text is indeed reliable. Of course, this will depend on the use of truly trustworthy and accurate sources.
Be aware that page linking is a very SEO friendly strategy, both to help you understand the architecture of the site and to help index the pages.
Therefore, we recommend including interesting data and good sources. This helps other sites link to your content, functioning as custom displays of your message.
In addition, internal links are also very interesting to encourage navigability within your site.
- Keep your content up to date
Updating your content is about effective and substantial changes to the original text, much more than simply adding images or making a small change.
This is an action that can bring you a better ranking in search engines, and the more the content has been modified, the greater the impact of the update.
This is a process that deserves attention: review your keywords, and if necessary, include new ones, recreate your meta descriptions and the link buildings.
The more competitive your keywords are, the greater the need to keep updates up to date.
Final considerations
In this article, you learned how to enhance your digital strategies with SEO writing. Adopting such strategies to engage with the search engine, especially Google, which is the most used among users, brings advantages to your business.
The return obtained from these strategies is directly reflected in the positioning and strengthening of your brand, in gaining your own digital space, more interaction with the public and building authority.
By following these 10 steps, your content will be better read by search engine algorithms, which guarantees the good placement of your page in SERPs.
Always look for originality, quality and the greatest relevance for the creation of your content and apply our tips to stand out.