Why is Alexa flashing green? How to Disable!

Today something interesting happened that made me angry, but I figured out how to solve it myself, since the internet didn't help. Your Alexa is flashing green or another color and doesn't know how to stop? This quick tip will help.

This morning I invented a drop-in call for my Alexa, but when I got home it was flashing green without stopping. I really wanted to stop those blinks, but I had no idea how.

I searched the internet for green light, found several articles, but none of them explained how to stop the green light from flashing. I tried on my own, things like:

  • End Drop-In;
  • Hang up calls;
  • Delete messages;
  • Disconnect messages;
  • Turn off the green light;

Despite trying all of this, the green light wouldn't stop blinking. I even asked Alexa what the hell the green light was, but she couldn't tell me... Until I finally said: Alexa, turn off the notifications!

It seems very simple, but maybe you are like me, looking on Google for a way to disable the pulsating and flashing green light… I hope these tips have solved your problems. Also test shutdown, delete and other alternatives to turn off the pulsating green light.

Also, see our article on activating Alexa Skills not available in Brazil;

Some of these items may be useful for you:

The Meaning of Alexa Lights

First let's talk about the Pulsating Lights that bothers people so much:

Yellow pulsating light: You have a message or notification waiting. Say, "Play my messages" or "What are my notifications?" 

Violet pulsating light: An error occurred while setting up Wi-Fi.

Pulsating light green: You are receiving a call. & Nbsp; Or someone is accessing your Alexa with the Drop In feature.

Por que a Alexa fica piscando verde? Como Desativar! - alexa 3

Solid blue with cyan revolving lights: Alexa is starting.

Solid blue with cyan pointing towards the speaker: Alexa is busy processing your order.

Alternating solid blue and cyan: Alexa is responding. 

Orange light rotating clockwise: Alexa is connecting to your Wi-Fi network. 

Green light turning counterclockwise: You are on an active call. Or you have an active Drop In call on your Alexa.

White light: You are adjusting Alexa's volume level.

A single flash of purple light after an interaction with Alexa: The Do Not Disturb feature is enabled.