O Inbound Marketing it is a strategy where the focus is on the enchantment that must be designed so that the customer reaches the company, creating a way for this relationship to be built on the basis of sampling solutions for those who need it.
Differently from some more traditional forms of marketing, where companies start to demand that customers know them up front, Inbound works in a much more subtle way, but also highly efficient, almost always using content productions.
This is a way for companies from the most varied sectors to reach their consumers in a natural way, having the opportunity to create a purchase cycle from the beginning.
In addition, this is a great opportunity to qualify these potential customers, making content productions, whether through social networks or email marketing, the chance to efficiently induce purchases.
What are the main ways to do Inbound?
Here are some ways to start putting Inbound Marketing into practice within your company, for example, occupational safety management:
- Get great recognition from your company
If your priority is to attract people to know your business and, in the future, be willing to make a purchase, the ideal is that you understand more about your own company, recognizing its positive and negative points with quality.
Only then will you have the necessary tools to produce something about you, such as a post on the social network, pointing out your solutions and the importance of your company.
So, to start with that thought, do extensive research and interpretation about your company's goals of, for example, industrial mixers and understand what is really important as a brand and can be relevant for your customers to know.
- Know who you are talking to
In the same way that getting to know yourself in order to evoke good communications is important, understanding who you are dealing with is the basis of the connection between company and customer.
You've probably already understood who your target audience is, but this time the best step is to look for your persona, which is a representation with much more detail about this ideal consumer, which can direct you in multiple directions:
- Understand what kind of content to make;
- What language to use;
- Where to ship your materials;
- What is the best opportunity for this.
Within the recognition of your right audience for content production you and your company industrial cleaning, for example, will actually know how to start the desired attraction.
- Produce good content
The contents produced by your company in the main communication channels are the basis of what we understand about Inbound Marketing, and nothing more is a way to attract fans to your brand in a natural way, through communications that induce them.
For this, you must always understand how to put what customers want to see in a company, the solutions they want and even the innovations they are looking for in the business.
We can say that content production is the most important phase within Inbound, as it is the part where potential customers of your company are captured. carriers in SP, therefore, moment of greatest importance within the strategy.
- Make Lead Retention Schemes
The moment you manage to attract people interested in your company, the moment of retention of these leads will arise, and this should be a concern.
This is because this is when your business will actually work to prolong contact and proximity with people who have already shown interest, thus creating a much greater communication bridge, which should be highly positioned.
One of the main points in the retention of leads is through email marketing, a type of tool capable of optimizing communication with customers of car rental for bride, for example, and improve the relationship between the two parties.
The Importance of the Inbound Sales Funnel
We can understand so far that in Inbound there is a production of content focused on the future customer. However, it is through the sales funnel, which determines the consumer's journey, that everything ends up being better achieved by the company.
First, we must understand that the sales funnel is nothing more than a customer follow-up, from the moment he discovers the company to the part where he chooses it to actually have a product or service as frequency inverter.
Thus, we know that within Inbound Marketing, content production must be done so that there is an organic and well-qualified customer attraction.
Joining this issue to the sales funnel, we can then have at least three different phases where the types of Inbound content are produced.
For example, customers who are still in the beginning of identification and need to know a little more about the company, should be linked to Inbound strategies made on blog pages, social networks and even through the sales site.
As for the people who understand better about the company level sensor, for example, the ideal is a much richer content production, with more segmented and complex materials.
After all, by now the person already understands the basics of what you are offering, and needs more information to help them make a right decision. Therefore, making content more focused for consumers at this stage is a great alternative.
Within a phase where the focus is on evaluating a product or service and actually making a decision about the service, it is best to have a planned preparation in email marketing.
Through the production of content through this channel, the company weigher you will have much more chances to draw a closer and more correct path for the sale, highlighting unique opportunities and making yourself available to the company.
Benefits of Inbound Marketing for Businesses
Now that we understand a little more about how this process works in practice, it's easier to point out some of the main benefits that companies that use Inbound Marketing incorporate into their routines.
With that in mind, we have separated some of these advantages, which can be essential for you to start your work within this strategy with much more focus. Check out:
Shorten the sales cycle
The sales cycle ends up being drastically reduced with the insertion of Inbound within the company, since, in traditional sales times, the customer cycle can be much longer, as they will still get to know the company, and then have the action of purchase.
For example, a cosmetics brand, through a long content production, in a structured way, manages to reduce the time to understand the brand, increasing the period of recognition and search for solutions by this company.
Reach within the right audience
With Inbound, content production makes the most valuable customers reach the company faster, as these will be the people who will have some kind of contact with the brand through its content, and thus will look for the company to buy.
In another case, in a more traditional way, the company develops marketing strategies focused on reaching many people, without any kind of filter.
But with Inbound, customers who are reached will have already shown some kind of interest in the brand, and will be more ready to actually make a purchase.
Improve market relevance
Brands that bet on content production and meeting a customer in the best way, can have an advantage in the market, being considered more relevant, at the same time they build their forms of sales.
This is because, mainly through content production, many companies manage to form, for example, as content producers on social networks, showing more about their importance, without necessarily having to be selling.
This can be a good idea for those brands that are not so well known, in order to establish their presence even before getting into sales campaigns.
Final considerations
Through inbound marketing, a company's customers can find it based on its content, and then make a type of identification about a purchase motivation, giving time to understand if that business will present a solution.
This is part of building relevancy online, so that the company doesn't have to chase customers and show its business, but the other way around.