How to avoid refunds for your digital products

In the midst of so many digital products, people are getting smarter with their money. For this reason, in the first moment of disappointment they already ask for refunds at hotmart, eduzz and monetizze, how to avoid this?

As an affiliate, it is difficult to avoid these situations, because most of the time it depends on the producer and owner of the product. But one way to avoid this is to not lie about the product when advertising it. Always be honest in your advertisements.

Of course, there are ways that a producer can apply to avoid getting refunds on their products as much as possible. In addition to dissatisfied customers, there are rascals who consume the course and simply ask for the money back.

Chargeback - In addition to the refund made by the platform for reselling digital products, the person can also ask the card operator to refund the amount. Because of that, I was very angry at Eduzz, because my account was blocked for months due to a chargeback, even though you are a mere affiliate.

Avoiding refunds

To avoid refunds, just deliver the best product possible. Try to deliver as much as the customer wants to the point of making you super satisfied. Deliver dozens of bonuses and content that greatly enhances your product.

Try to notify your customer as much as possible about access to your product and how it will be delivered, thus avoiding the person asking for a refund for confusion or for not being able to access the product.

Como evitar reembolsos de seus produtos digitais

Providing immediate support to buyers is important to avoid refunds. Always be attentive to answer the question or give personalized access to the customer if he has any request that is within his reach. Pleasing the customer is always good.

AVOIDING REFUNDS BEING AFFILIATED - As an affiliate, do not lie in your disclosure, nor promise things that the course does not offer. Try to know the product you are going to promote. Always choose quality products and let the author dedicate himself entirely to the project. Don't let your potential customers down.

Avoiding rascals

One way to prevent rascals from consuming your product quickly and asking for a refund is to simply limit the warranty date. Nowadays many prefer to place 7 days warranty instead of 30 days.

Also, avoid releasing all content at once. Only release the initial content, in a way that keeps the customer trapped and satisfied, to release the rest gradually only when the warranty date has passed.

Some producers have the habit of releasing one module per week. Try to make as many modules as possible to engage your student in the course. The better the product, the less likely someone is to claim a refund.

Como evitar reembolsos de seus produtos digitais

There's no secret

This article is really going to be short, because there is no special secret to avoiding refunds. As I stated several times in the article, just deliver a quality product, in all aspects.

Unfortunately, at one time or another you may end up suffering a refund, be it an affiliate or a producer. Just ignore it and move on, not everyone will like you, nor are they bound to. People have different tastes and some may hate you. Everyone has Haters on the internet.

I hope you enjoyed this short article. If you liked it, share and leave your comments. If you have any opinions or tips on the subject, comment below. What do you think you need to do to not get refunds?