5 new consumption habits of Brazilians

Buying online, investing in renovations and prioritizing conscious consumption are among the trends

The Covid-19 pandemic was a watershed for many habits that go beyond health and hygiene. Social isolation caused most people to start consuming differently and maintain these habits after the end of this period. 

The way of consuming has changed and can be observed in different aspects. Check out the main ones below: 

Invest in renovations and decoration

For many years, the house was seen as the space you returned to at the end of the day. With the pandemic, people started to spend most of their time at home, whether studying, working or having leisure time. Because of this, renovations and decoration items have become more sought after by consumers. 

Now, having a safe, beautiful and organized home is an even greater desire. Therefore, many people prioritize the purchase of building materials, paints, decorative items, furniture and tools over items from other categories. Growth reflects a new habit: that of valuing the space in which we live. 

Shopping online

In the 2000s, buying online was an innovative possibility, which still aroused fear and distrust among many. Over the years, online shopping has become increasingly common and has emerged as the safest option during the pandemic. After the end of this period, many people continue to prefer e-commerce. 

This happens due to different factors: the absence of queues, the possibility of purchasing at any time, saving time and money on parking and the possibility of comparing prices in minutes. With so many advantages, it is easy to understand why consumers adopted this new habit. 

Spend more on leisure at home 

For a long time, leisure was synonymous with leaving the house to go to the cinema, go to the mall or take the children to the park. Having a moment of relaxation and play at home seemed almost impossible, until it became necessary to adapt! 

Today, many Brazilians prefer to spend the weekend at home watching streaming, playing with their family or even gathering friends for a barbecue. These new habits reflected in the way of consuming and caused people to spend more and more on leisure at home. 

Prioritize conscious consumption

The impact of unrestrained consumption on nature is a topic that has been debated for decades. As a result of this discussion, many people understood the importance of more conscious consumption and started to practice it on a daily basis. 

Repairing instead of buying a new item, prioritizing quality products, buying only what is necessary, investing in second-hand items and avoiding consumerism are among the concerns. This habit crossed different areas and began to be practiced in the main daily purchases. 

Buy items that make home more comfortable

As we have seen, houses are the protagonists of new consumption habits. And it's no different when we think about comfort items for the home. In addition to more cozy furniture, consumers started to buy simpler objects, such as room fragrances, incense and other items with a more personal feel.

This trend reflects the appreciation of home space and an increasing desire to belong and feel comfortable in that environment. And there is no rule or a single most sought after item, as what matters at this time is personal taste and compatibility with each individual.