



Recebi um e-mail com minha senha pedindo bitcoins! E agora?


Hey, I know your password is: 5468484

Your computer was infected with my malware, RAT (Remote Administration Tool), your browser wasn't updated / patched, in such case it's enough to just visit some website where my iframe is placed to get automatically infected, if you want to find out more - Google: "Drive-by exploit".

My malware gave me full access and control over your computer, meaning, I got access to all your accounts (see password above) and I can see everything on your screen, turn on your camera or microphone and you won't even notice about it.

I collected all your private data and I RECORDED YOU (through your webcam) SATISFYING YOURSELF!

After that I removed my malware to not leave any traces.

I can send the video to all your contacts, post it on social network, publish it on the whole web, including the darknet, where the sick people are, I can publish all I found on your computer everywhere!

Only you can prevent me from doing this and only I can help you out in this situation.

Transfer exactly 1400$ with the cryptocurrency DASH (DSH) to my DASH (DSH) address.

It's a very good offer, compared to all that horrible shit that will happen if I publish everything!

You can buy DASH (DSH) here: www.cex.io , www.binance.com , www.bitpanda.com , or Google for other exchanger.
You can send the DASH (DSH) directly to my address, or create your online wallet first here: www.cryptonator.com , www.freewallet.org or download and install your hardware wallet EXODUS first from: www.exodus.io and then send to mine.

My DASH (DSH) address is: XnfypYUMso855erq8vmsdGcFPcnWeUh1G4

Copy and paste my address, it's (cAsE-sEnSEtiVE).

I give you 2 days to transfer the DASH (DSH).

As I got access to this email account, I will know if this email has already been read.
If you get this email multiple times, it's to make sure you read it, my mailer script has been configured like that and after payment you can ignore it!
After receiving the payment, I will remove everything and you can life your live in peace like before.

Next time update your browser before browsing the web!




Recebi um e-mail com minha senha pedindo bitcoins! E agora?


您可以知道您的电子邮件和密码是如何泄露给黑客使用该网站进行这些勒索诈骗的 https://haveibeenpwned.com.该站点显示您的电子邮件发生了哪些泄漏。

做了一些研究,我发现我的密码可能已经通过 bitly、exploit.in、verifications.io 和 xat 泄露。该网站准确记录了泄漏发生的日期以及公司泄漏的数据量。

请注意,即使是像linkedln、myspace 和dubsmash 这样的大型网站也可能会泄露其数据。没有人能免受这种情况和黑客的影响。不过,我不认为这是令人担忧的原因。因此,请始终为每件事使用不同的密码。

Recebi um e-mail com minha senha pedindo bitcoins! E agora?



即使在 自由市场.最近我收到了来自 facebook 和 paypal 的虚假电子邮件,它们甚至使用了我的真实信息。别傻了,经常检查发件人的电子邮件和电子邮件中的内部链接。


Recebi um e-mail com minha senha pedindo bitcoins! E agora?

