Many believe that people who learn everything by themselves are smarter for being able to carry out this self-study process, is that true?
Of course not, the only difference is that the self-taught person has curiosity, initiative and independence. This helps her achieve goals and look smarter than others.
Why are Autodidacts smart?
Throughout the article I will show that self-taught people are not smarter than others, but it is good to highlight the benefits of being self-taught and why they seem to be smarter.
The simple fact that they can learn something on their own already makes others consider them smart. His willingness, discipline and initiative to learn really stand out among the rest.
Another reason that makes the self-taught stand in front is because the methods used for learning are light years away from the traditional methods used in prep courses and traditional schools. They are not doing better, you are doing it wrong.
Self-taught people are also not usually afraid of what they don't know. People usually run from the unknown unless they have someone instructing them, as self-taught people are curious and take risks in the unknown.
Children are self-taught
Today, most people who are born have self-taught skills, just watch two-year-olds playing with cell phones.
Many older people cannot be skilled, but this is not because of lack of intelligence, but because of dependence and self-indulgence.
When an older person with no experience is using a computer or cell phone, next to a young person who he thinks is smart, what usually happens?
Sometimes a simple informational window appears on the device's screen, the older person instead of reading it, asks the younger person for help.
Some might say it's because it's a new technology and not their time, but what about a child? Everything is new to her.
Others may say it's because of age, the person doesn't have the head or isn't as smart for these things.
Does it take that much intelligence to read what is written on the bulletin board? Often just click Confirm. In my opinion, this is not a lack of intelligence, but laziness and self-indulgence.
No need to like reading and studying
I work writing, but ironically I hate reading and studying. I even dropped out of school, did high school and didn't go to college. This did not stop me from learning to play the keyboard, guitar, violin, learning Japanese, English or working with Marketing, SEO, WordPress and Web Programming.
Of course there are consequences for not liking studying, I simply couldn't achieve the totality of everything I studied, and some things like guitar and violin I put aside when I lost interest and due to lack of time. The fact is that you don't have to kill yourself studying to make a wish come true.
When a person insists on saying that something is difficult or that they don't have time to study, they are simply making excuses and have no real interest. This is that famous excuse called Procrastination, something that everyone has for something, including me, who consider myself the king of procrastination.
Being self-taught does not always refer to the iron skulls that like to study, but rather the ability and ability to learn things by yourself. Imagine a child who is playing with a keyboard, soon he learns to play a song by himself. That's exactly what happened to me.
I learned keyboard by myself, I never read a book, in fact I always ran from famous scores and theoretical classes. Only at the age of 25 did I start to learn the lyrics of the figures, but until today I had no interest in learning the drawings of the scores.
There are consequences of not studying, for example, if I don't play the keyboard for a long time, I just forget the songs I learned by ear. The same can happen with language learning or anything else.
So, if you are a person who considers yourself normal, don't you think that self-taught people are special because they can study, because not everyone can, studying is boring. Some to get around the barriers of studies simply invent fun and innovative methods.
The basis of autodidactism is to invent things!
Autodidacts are not totally Independent
Another misconception is that self-taught students are independent and always study alone. That's not true, just because I'm self-taught doesn't mean I can't take a course.
In fact, much of self-study consists of watching video lectures online, reading books, reading articles, and doing research on the internet. Usually what a self-taught person avoids is spending money on face-to-face classes and online courses.
I had the opportunity to access several online courses, including those famous in digital marketing that usually cost more than 7,000 reais. Honestly, for me they just say the obvious, they do a lot of stuffing and stuffing.
Perhaps what differentiates a self-taught person from a person who considers himself normal is the simple fact that he always finds it easy to do things that others make difficult. We are always looking for alternative paths or ways to be independent.
Don't imagine that self-taught people don't like teachers or creating study groups, it's actually really cool and fun to get together to study together. We are generally against traditional educational methods because of their slowness and boredom.
Your Way of Thinking Is Wrong
Many people say that Japanese people are smarter, but is it true? Japan is not as evolved as they think, even today some still use FAX. Many aspects of Japanese society can be considered archaic.
What made people create the idea that Japanese people are smarter? Maybe the discipline in schools or simply the language full of ideograms. The point is that the Japanese really think differently.
The main reason why Japanese people seem intelligent compared to others is that they work hard, all a result of education and culture. I strongly recommend reading my article about the intelligence of the Japanese if you're curious.
When you study a new language, you really change your way of thinking. When you have discipline and pressure, anyone can reach their limits. That's what's missing in people who don't think they're smart, going beyond their limits!
The mindset of those who don't consider themselves to be self-taught is always to depend on others and try to take the easy way out. This kind of mentality is wrong and makes ordinary people always take the hard way.
It is much more difficult and time consuming to try to depend on someone else to perform a certain function. You don't need to be smart to do things yourself, just curiosity and initiative.
Perhaps the most difficult thing is having the initiative, because I'm not a great example of initiative, but it can be acquired and demanded. I myself am motivated by money, I have always done things with the intention of making a profit.
I wouldn't have any website if I didn't earn anything from it, because that's my job. If I didn't need the money, I think I would spend most of my day travelling, watching and playing.
In fact, if you think you're less intelligent than self-taught people, how about starting to play more video games? They help you develop your brain, spark your curiosity and independence, and will help you a lot when looking for solutions to your problems.
I think I'll credit most of my self-taught skills to my childhood playing video games.
I'm not smarter than anyone
Maybe you consider yourself less intelligent than those who can learn by themselves, but I myself consider myself dumb compared to many other people who can do certain activities that I can't.
Some manage to learn several languages at the same time, learn to play instruments I couldn't, learn to create programming codes from scratch, learn to draw, paint and many other things that can be called gifts that only a few have.
There will always be things that others can do that you can't do yet, but that doesn't make you less intelligent than anyone else, nor does it stop you from learning. If you think you don't have a gift, it's because you haven't discovered it yet.
Self-education is not a gift, it is a skill that can be acquired by anyone. This skill will definitely help you discover your gifts, it will help you learn anything you want.
If you are envious of those who can learn things on their own and easily, what do you think about taking action and becoming a self-taught person? That's why I created the site